Basic Human Neuroanatomy
A Clinically Oriented Atlas 
Case 48 Answers

1.  How would you describe or classify this patient's visual deficit?  

Bitemporal hemianopsia

2.  What is the anatomical location of the lesion producing this visual deficit?  What side of the nervous system is involved by the lesion? 

The region close to the optic chiasma.  Midline.

3.  Explain the anatomical basis for this visual deficit.  What specific structure(s) is involved by the pathologic process?

Chiasmatic compression interrupts the crossing axons whose neuronal cell bodies are located in the medial half of each retina, leading to a bitemporal visual field (VF) deficit.

4.  In general, what type of pathologic process was involved in this case?

Neoplastic – Pituitary macroadenoma

5.  What diagnostic procedure(s) would you undertake at this point?

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