Basic Human Neuroanatomy
A Clinically Oriented Atlas 
Case 194 Answers

1.  What accounts for this patient’s difficulty with speech?  What is the term that describes her speech pattern?

Predominantly, cerebellar dysfunction.  Scanning dysarthria

2.  Involvement of which structures account for the findings on cerebellar examination?

Predominantly, neocerebellar and spinocerebellar dysfunction.  Cerebellar vermis, paravermal hemisphere, and lateral hemisphere bilaterally

3.  What accounts for this patient’s gait disorder?

Cerebellar ataxia

4.  Does this patient exhibit any upper motor neuron signs or symptoms?  Does she exhibit any evidence of a movement disorder?


5.  This patient’s illness constitutes a classic neurologic syndrome.  What is the name of this syndrome?  

Olivopontocerebellar degeneration or atrophy (OPCA)

6.  In general, what type of pathologic process is involved in this case?

Degenerative.  In this case, it appears to be sporadic rather than genetic.

7.  What diagnostic procedure(s) would you undertake at this point?

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