Case History #34
Date of Consultation: 1-11-1980
This 40-year-old right-handed white female was referred for
neurological consultation for evaluation of involuntary
movements. The patient was unable to offer a coherent history of
any neurologic problems, and, in fact, she seemed to deny that any
neurologic difficulties were present whatsoever. The patient was
accompanied by a social worker who indicated that she had noticed that
the patient was having difficulty walking for the past two years.
This evidently began gradually and was a steadily progressive
problem. The social worker also described slurred speech and
abnormal arm movements over the previous two years that seemed to be
slowly worsening. The patient was evaluated in 1976 by a
neurologist who found no evidence of neurologic disease except for the
possibility of a "mild dementia".
The patient and the social worker indicated that there was a strong
family history of some sort of neurologic disease. This problem
was present in the patient's mother, grandmother, and one of her
aunts. The patient was unable to describe the symptoms of the
disease clearly but mentioned that her mother "jerked a lot and didn't
talk much". The patient's mother died in her 40s or 50s.
Mental Status Exam: The patient was
oriented to person, place, year, and month, but was unable to recall
the day of the month. Her fund of general information was only
fair. She performed calculations quite poorly. Her long
term and short term memory functions were both judged to be only
fair. The social worker indicated that she had observed the
patient talking to herself and also indicated that at times the patient
became quite paranoid. There was also an indication that the
patient had experienced both auditory and visual hallucinations.
Cranial Nerves: Intact.
Motor System: There were no
areas of focal muscular atrophy. There were no
fasciculations. Muscle tone and power were normal in all 4
limbs. The patient exhibited a moderate to marked amount of
spontaneous involuntary movements. These involved both proximal
and distal portions of both upper limbs. The movements frequently
propelled her arms into unusual postures. There were both rapid,
irregular, jerky movements and slower, writhing and twisting
movements. However, she was quite adept at masking these
movements with other accessory movements. She also tended to "sit
on her hands". The patient also exhibited small amplitude
twitching and twisting movements of the mouth and face that occurred
spontaneously and irregularly. The tongue and lips often were
protruded and somewhat contorted. The patient spoke with a
significant dysarthria.
Deep tendon reflexes were slightly brisk but equal bilaterally.
The patient exhibited a positive snout reflex and a brisk jaw
jerk. The plantar reflexes were flexor bilaterally.
Sensory System: Intact in all 4 limbs.
Cerebellar Function:
Gait and Stance: Regular gait
was performed on a slightly widened base and was somewhat slow.
At times, there were abrupt lurches to either side, but the patient did
not lose her balance or stagger. The Romberg test was
1. How would you
describe or classify this patient’s involuntary movements?
2. Indicate the level(s) of the neurologic lesion in this
3. Indicate the structures involved by the pathologic
4. The findings in this case represent a classic neurologic
syndrome. What is the name of this syndrome?
5. In general, what type of pathologic process is involved in
this case?
6. What diagnostic procedure(s) would you undertake at this point?